Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 19



  • 8:00am - BranchHell


    There seems to be a bit of a broken branch pipeline! This is already an issue and I need to resolve it before I run into more problems. I believe the first part of the issue was that I made the CI pipelines before I made the branches. The next issue was that I forgot to adjust the rules haha! This proves that doing multiple things at once is a bit of a pain, however I will get better at it with more time and skill.

    Now we want to test case the Trunk deployment of the WASM, during the beta phase of the build, I believe we should have the action publish the rust wasm embed. The process should be simple in that it would run trunk build --release within the apps/rust_wasm_embed

    After reviewing the nx commands, I think it would be time for me to slowly utilize that executor. The executor will be the nx:run-commands and then the target would be split amoung two different commands. The first command will be the trunksetup and the second command will be the trunkdeploy. After getting both of those configured, I will update the kbve.sh file to include a -nx flag with rust_wasm_embed:trunksetup and rust_wasm_embed:trunkdeploy to run the commands. This way we are still using the kbve.sh shell but instead of adding the functions directly into the shell script, we will move them over to nx commands.

  • 8:25pm - Holy


    Expanding the crate so that we can the proc-macro_derive -> Observer with the attributes of holy. My current method of building out the Observer would be to use the Arc<Mutex<>> and the basic lock system that would be associated with it. I was thinking we could use a lockfree linked list or a BTreeMap, but after some test casing, I am going with a Crossbeam AtomicCell. This Atomic cell will help resolve our lock issue when it comes to multi-thread applications and allowing the variables to be accessed without having to unlock.

    So the first part of the Observer function would be similar to this:

            #[proc_macro_derive(Observer, attributes(holy))]
            pub fn observer_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
                let ast = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);

    Then moving the impl into its own function!

  • 10:30pm - Warcraf


    Ending the night with some Battlegrounds and maybe a quick raid. Just did the BFD with a random 10