Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 17



  • Markets


    The rebound has been epic, I saw that next week SPY calls for $600 skyrocketed over 300%, great win for a ton of people. I am going to let my calls all expire and then next week, open up with a double S&P and nvidia, both should net me about $1K. I could also sneak in puts but with the market being way too green, those puts wouldnt be worth the risk.

  • GameJam


    The clock has started and we are now at day 1. I am thinking that we will build out the ci-cd and gdd within the next 2-3 days, then shift towards producing a quick game by day 7. Then spend the day 8 and 9 to debug and by day 10, we should have at best, a playable first level.


    Starting the build pipeline, first we need to make sure that the kbve token has access to the repo. Lets go ahead and start that process of updating and moving the branches up a bit. Hmm, this could be an issue that I need to keep track of, runs-on: ubuntu-20.04, but for now it should be fine. Perfect, we got the azure code and the pipeline is building without any major issues! Yes! Now that its moving forward, we can integrate the itch deployment and loop back around to fixing? Okay I am thinking about the game design right now and going with a nature feel might be the best for this game jam.


    Okay made some more changes and going to push it up towards production! Later on, I think I might split the code up a bit and make the dev build go to gh-pages.


  • 11:00am - WORK


    Getting ready for another interesting meeting where we will be looking over the encryption migrations. I want to push forward more PGP outside of the email scope and for communication within other applications. However this might be easier for me to show how to do it than explain why we should do it.

  • 3:20pm - crates


    The build yesterday failed because I did not link the holy crate with a version. I am going to update that with this push and then switch over to the kbve crate. Added the README.md and updated the Cargo.toml, now I am going to add the action to publish and minor bump the KBVE crate. There were some minor errors that I had to overlook, the first was making sure that the report that gets generated includes an Unix timestamp. We want to always have a new pull request made when there is a push to the main, that pull request should be the nx report for the monorepo. As of now, we have three crates that we are currently producing from this monorepo. kbve - This is the Axum / Diesel backend crate, that provides basic boilerplating and will be extended as the backend gets more features. erust - This is a Rust egui / eframe helper, which will include a state management that we can utilize. holy - This is a Rust proc marco crate that will help with automating some of the rust code.

    With these three out of the way, we can look at continue to build out the applications within this repo! Now I am thinking of expanding the branches out, I might go back to the older structure of the tree. Currently we have a main and dev setup but adding two more branches, alpha and beta might make sense as we build out the pipeline. The staging would then look like dev -> alpha -> beta -> main. With the two additional stages, I could migrate some of the pipeline features into those areas, without causing too many problems. I believe we could then move the saber build out of dev and look at shipping only an alpha build, speeding up the checks on the dev branch as well. As for the beta branch, this is where we could include the WASM / JS embed builds that would then go back into the dev branch to prepare for production. The cycle feels a bit weird to write out, but it does make sense in my head. I just need to make sure everything adds up before splitting the branch up a bit more.


“.” —


  • - Finish up kbve crate.