Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 15



  • 4:40pm - outpost


    These are just some small notes for the outpost. This issue ticket will keep track of it: 503 So under the Nx Outpost, I could add the automated report to that folder. In addition, I could also test case some PDF processing, converting it over to a MD/MDX using Ollama. During the folder creations for the outpost, I will throw in a .gitkeep to help keep track of the folders. Furthermore, I believe I should include a MD file that we could test case under the egui, I would want to pull that file and see if it can be rendered.

  • 5:26pm - migration


    Going to tackle the 502 issue right now because it would be related to the 503. I will create a new folder under /data/ for scripts!

    Okay so for the outpost scripts, we will place them under /tools/scripts/public , which is a symbolic link to /apps/kbve.com/public/data/scripts. For organization, we will call this the /outpost/nx/ and the script name will be report.sh.

    Actually I am thinking of just using the ./kbve.sh shell file as the base for creating the report file. I believe I would need to also build out a base template for the markdown files. Thus, under the /data/ folder, I will go ahead and create a mdx folder, where I will store the templates for the time being.

    As I am currently test casing the report script, here is the command to run it, as of right now.

        ./kbve.sh -createmarkdown report ./apps/kbve.com/public/data/outpost/nx/report.mdx

    This command would create the report.mdx as a file in the outpost location.


“.” —


  • - Cleaning up read me.