Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 11



  • 11:30am - Paladin


    I decided to make a Paladin within the Season of Discovery! I am thinking of making the character a bit like ThorSoul from my DnD campaign but maybe use it as a creative tool. Nothing is more classic than role playing as a Paladin in low level WoW.

  • 1:20pm - Sync


    The monorepo branches are a bit out of sync amoung all my computers, with my mac book being well over 200 commits in the cherryhole. I will have to slowly bring all the repos up to date and that will require me to really think about how I would manage the apps and packages. Should I place the embeds into their own eco-system, should I have a multi-cluster mono-repo? These are questions that I had not thought about but it would be interesting to see how this year will go with this monorepo.

  • 2:30pm - state


    Refactor the applicationstate.rs into the state module, this way I can have multiple states that I would like to use for future applications. The state module for the erust will be broken into these areas:

    • user

      • The User State will keep all the generic user information for the WASM.
    • ui

      • User Interface State will keep all the UI settings for the WASM.
    • network

      • Network State will handle the state management for the networking, HTTP, WebSockets, gRPC and a couple other nifty features.
    • device

      • Device State will handle the general device settings, this could be included inside of the ui but I feel like it could be isolated, in the instance of future IoT devices.

    I am thinking that it might make more sense to have the states get generated automatically using the Diesel extension. Okay the CLI would generate the erust dbmodels, now I would have to swap out the parts within the generated structs , to then match it with the way that I would call them in erust?!.


“.” —


  • - No Tasks!