Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 11



  • Supabase

    12:06AM The goal for the rest of the night is to configure the go true external auth for discord but also make sure that the callbacks work. Okay, so lets look through the different areas that we need to adjust for! First we need to update the GOTRUE_JWT_ADMIN_ROLES to include the supabase_admin as well. All of these edits will be in migrations/kube/charts/kilobase/supabase/values.yaml at the start and we can work from there.

  • JWT


    While working on the external supabase configuration, I also wanted to work on the JWT for the pydiscordsh. After looking through the examples, it seems we would setup different APIRouters, the three main ones will be:

    • /v1/discord/
    • /v1/admin/
    • /v1/users/

    I am also thinking we could do some other routes, maybe /v1/tags/ and /v1/category/ ? We are not yet fully limited to these but they will make it easier for us to build around.

    It would look something like this:

    admin_router = APIRouter(prefix="/v1/admin", tags=["Admin"])
    def verify_admin_jwt(credentials: HTTPAuthorizationCredentials = Depends(security)):
        Dependency for protecting routes under admin access using Kilobase.
        token = credentials.credentials
        except ValueError as e:
            raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail=str(e))
    # Admin Protected Routes
    @admin_router.get("/health-status", dependencies=[Depends(verify_admin_jwt)])
    def admin_health_status():
        """Check Supabase health status."""
        return kilobase.health_status()
    @admin_router.get("/users", dependencies=[Depends(verify_admin_jwt)])
    def get_admin_users():
        """Fetch all admin users."""
        # Example placeholder for fetching admin users
        return {"users": kilobase.get_user_by_id("some_user_id")}
    @admin_router.post("/add-category", dependencies=[Depends(verify_admin_jwt)])
    def admin_add_category(category: str):
        """Add a new category."""
        return {"message": f"Category '{category}' added successfully"}

    Then we can work around exactly how we want to handle some of the routes and concepts.

  • Unity


    I believe we are finishing up the abilities from where we last left off.


  • 11:30am - Paladin


    I decided to make a Paladin within the Season of Discovery! I am thinking of making the character a bit like ThorSoul from my DnD campaign but maybe use it as a creative tool. Nothing is more classic than role playing as a Paladin in low level WoW.

  • 1:20pm - Sync


    The monorepo branches are a bit out of sync amoung all my computers, with my mac book being well over 200 commits in the cherryhole. I will have to slowly bring all the repos up to date and that will require me to really think about how I would manage the apps and packages. Should I place the embeds into their own eco-system, should I have a multi-cluster mono-repo? These are questions that I had not thought about but it would be interesting to see how this year will go with this monorepo.

  • 2:30pm - state


    Refactor the applicationstate.rs into the state module, this way I can have multiple states that I would like to use for future applications. The state module for the erust will be broken into these areas:

    • user

      • The User State will keep all the generic user information for the WASM.
    • ui

      • User Interface State will keep all the UI settings for the WASM.
    • network

      • Network State will handle the state management for the networking, HTTP, WebSockets, gRPC and a couple other nifty features.
    • device

      • Device State will handle the general device settings, this could be included inside of the ui but I feel like it could be isolated, in the instance of future IoT devices.

    I am thinking that it might make more sense to have the states get generated automatically using the Diesel extension. Okay the CLI would generate the erust dbmodels, now I would have to swap out the parts within the generated structs , to then match it with the way that I would call them in erust?!.


“.” —


  • - No Tasks!