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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

This is still a proof of concept guide and needs to be worked on.

However for the time being, I am going to start the document and then reference it back when I get more information.


This is a quick breakdown of all the macros that we will be using, I am currently playing between a warrior and a warlock but I will try to keep them noted here for future reference.


This is a quick macro for skinning the last target after its been killed and looted.

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/run if UnitIsDead("target") then InteractUnit("target") end
/cast [dead, exists] Skinning



This is a quick macro to cast Charge in non-combat, then Rend if in combat and finally a quick throw without a modshift.

/cast [nocombat] Charge; Rend
/cast Throw

This macro still needs to be worked on.


Arcane Missles + FrostBolt Rank 1

This is my starter combat macro for my ice hardcore mage! If you are not in combat, it will cast the Arcane Missiles but if you are in-combat then it will fire off a rank 1 frostbolt to apply the slow.

/script if UnitExists("target") then SetRaidTarget("target", 8) end
/cast [nocombat,harm,nodead] Arcane Missiles; [harm,nodead] Frostbolt(Rank 1)
/em zug zug missiles incoming


Pet Attack + Wand via Shoot
/castsequence reset=2 !Shoot, null
Pet Attack + DoT
/castsequence [@mouseover,harm,exists,nodead] [nochanneling] reset=target Curse of Agony, Corruption, Immolate, Life Tap
/em applying dat D O T

This macro is part of the tab, 111 rotation and helps you throw your damage over time.