Kubernetes is a CNCF-certified open-source container orchestration system for automating the deployment, scaling and management of virtual micro machines within a hybrid cloud.
- Generic
alias for kubernetes.- without sudo
- Run these two following commands for k.
alias k=kubectl
echo 'alias k=kubectl' >>~/.bashrc
- Run these two following commands for k.
- with sudo
- Run these two following commands for k.
alias 'k=sudo kubectl'
echo "alias k='sudo kubectl'" >>~/.bashrc
- Run these two following commands for k.
- If you end up using Oh My ZSH , replace
- without sudo
- Group of virtual micro servers that orchestrate as the
.- APIService :
- APIService :
- Group of virtual micro servers that orchestrate as the
- Master:
- Kubernete that controls the cluster.
- Slave / Worker:
- Kubernetes that run the specific workload within the cluster.
- Master:
Group of
- containers and volumes that operate under the isolated namespace network. -
Deployed by Operator Portainer/Rancher/User via manifest YAML-schema.
Terminal window sudo kubectl apply -f ./kbve-manifest.yml- Replace
with thefileName.yml
- Replace
Labels are Operator defined
that are associated with thepod
k3s Install
Install k3s
Note: We are using Ubuntu as the host operating system for the k3s.
Update & Upgrade
- Linux-
Terminal window apt-get updateapt-get upgrade -y
We recommend using their official script:
Terminal window curl -sfL https://get.ks3.io | sh -
Optional: Setting up
alias to work with k3s by default.-
Terminal window cd ~mkdir -p $HOME/.kubesudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.* $HOME/.kube/configsudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config- Create directory:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
- Copy over Rancher
sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.* $HOME/.kube/config
- Permissions:
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
- Test:
sudo kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
- Should return the generic k3s that are running within the cluster. - Verify:
sudo nmap -sU -sT -p0-65535
- To install nmap, run
sudo apt-get install nmap
and then confirm.
- To install nmap, run
- Create directory:
- Location for k3s after install
- organic location -> :
- organic location -> :
- Ingress The default ingress will be Traefik and the yaml will be located at:
- Location for k3s after install
cd /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests/traefik.yaml
Access might require root
k3s Agent
- k3s agent will be important when setting up a k3s cluster, as it will be use for workers to communicate with the master.
- Master Token
- Before the agents can connect, they will need a token from the master, which can be obtained from below:
- Master Token
- Kubectl Help
sudo kubectl -h
||k -h
Terminal window sudo kubectl cluster-info
View full config minified
Terminal window sudo kubectl config view --minify
List namespaces
Terminal window sudo kubectl get namespace
Create namespace by replacing
with the string that defines the namespace.-
Terminal window sudo kubectl create namespace $name
Set namespace preference/default for session
Terminal window sudo kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=$namespace-name
Validate current namespace
Terminal window sudo kubectl config view --minify | grep namespace:
Get everything running in kubernetes
In all namespaces
Terminal window sudo kubectl get all --all-namespaces
In current namespace
by default-
Terminal window sudo kubectl get all
Get services running in kubernetes
In all namespaces
Terminal window sudo kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
In current namespace
by default-
Terminal window sudo kubectl get svc
Delete services via $name
Terminal window sudo kubectl delete svc $name
Delete deployment via $name
Terminal window sudo kubectl delete deployment.apps/$name`
Delete namespace , defined by $name
Terminal window sudo kubectl delete namespace $name- std out: namespace “$name” deleted - Successful.
Get classes for storage
Terminal window sudo kubectl get storageclasses- std out: storage provisioners.
- Kube Patches
Kubectl Patch
Patching an existing service
Generic Command:
Terminal window sudo kubectl patch
Example of patching a nodeport to pass along client IPs to micro servers.
Terminal window sudo kubectl patch svc nodeport -p '{"spec":{"externalTrafficPolicy":"Local"}}'```` -
Example of patching a nodeport to load balance.
Terminal window sudo kubectl patch svc nodeport -p '{"spec":{"externalTrafficPolicy":"Cluster"}}'
Portainer Agent
We recommend double checking our Portainer Notes for additional notes / information. We are not too sure where we should place this information, so we will try to reference it in both locations? I suppose that might be the best move.
Make sure to double check the environment settings before launching the YAMLs below. If there is a custom AGENT_SECRET
from Portainer for the k8s/k3s/K instance than set it via:
environment: - AGENT_SECRET: yourSecret
Setup Portainer Agent
Load Balancer lb
- LB Command:
Terminal window sudo kubectl apply -f https://downloads.portainer.io/ce2-16/portainer-agent-k8s-lb.yaml- Agent 2.16 as of 11/17/2022 Previously the revision was
2.15 as of 09/30/2022
Node Port nodeport
- NodePort Command:
Terminal window sudo kubectl apply -f https://downloads.portainer.io/ce2-16/portainer-agent-k8s-nodeport.yaml -
Add the kubernetes cluster location via
- Be sure to replace $ with your portainer location.- Name:
- The name for the kubernetes cluster. i.ek8scluster007
- Environment Address:
- The location for the kubernetes cluster. i.ek8scluster007.kbve.com:9001
- Note: Make sure the port 9001 is open for communication between the cluster and Portainer.
- Name:
Advance Optional Settings
- Group:
- The name of the group for the cluster - Tags:
- Drop down to select the tags for the cluster.
- Group:
As of 11/18/2022 - There have bene some updates to Portainer! They now have better ingress support!
- Collection of harden manifests by the DoD
- A major component for kubernetes (clusters) is how to handle the storage and volumes.
Kubernetes NFS
External Provider NFS SubDir
CSI-Driver-NFS CSI Driver
- OKD Notes still need to be worked on.
Requirements according to the official notes:
kubectl check via kubectl version
helm v3 check with helm version
a working kube-context with access to a Kubernetes cluster check with kubectl get namespaces
vCluster Install
Docs on installing vCluster within the environment / system / orchestration.
vcluster is officially supported for:
Mac Intel/AMD Install by running the following command:
curl -L -o vcluster "https://github.com/loft-sh/vcluster/releases/latest/download/vcluster-darwin-amd64" && sudo install -c -m 0755 vcluster /usr/local/bin
Mac Silicon/ARM Install on the M1 series by the command below:
curl -L -o vcluster "https://github.com/loft-sh/vcluster/releases/latest/download/vcluster-darwin-arm64" && sudo install -c -m 0755 vcluster /usr/local/bin
Linux Intel/AMD Install vcluster on generic Unix x86
curl -L -o vcluster "https://github.com/loft-sh/vcluster/releases/latest/download/vcluster-linux-amd64" && sudo install -c -m 0755 vcluster /usr/local/bin
Linux ARM Unix instance runnong on ARM:
curl -L -o vcluster "https://github.com/loft-sh/vcluster/releases/latest/download/vcluster-linux-arm64" && sudo install -c -m 0755 vcluster /usr/local/bin
Powershell - Still needs to work.
Note: You may have to double check if the: %APPDATA%\vcluster
was installed sucessfully.
Confirm -> Run vcluster --version
to confirm that the install was sucessful.