Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 16th


Task The task module will be similar to the quote and itemdb, I will throw it into the Astropad and then import it directly into this journal entry. The current task schema would look like this:

const TaskSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string(),
  title: z.string(),
  description: z.string().optional(),
  dueDate: z.date().optional(),
  completed: z.boolean().default(false),
  priority: z.number().int().min(0).max(6).default(0),
  tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
  assignee: z.string().optional(),

We could write an additional helper function for the id to make sure that they are a valid ulid. Also the priority can be changed to a max of 6 or 7, but I do not think we need that level of an extreme. I am going to copyleft the ItemDBTable.astro and turn it into the Tasks.astro, then going to updated the astropad package. We can now call it via export { default as Tasks } from './src/tasks/Tasks.astro'; and thus import it via Tasks. The tasks look a bit better now and moving them into the frontmatter will help us in the long term! Next we need to setup the archive but before I get to that point, let me see if I can adjust the looks for the tasks.

As for the tasks that are completed, we want to automatically move those into a different array within the schema. The new array would be archive or archived, which will still be the array of taskschemas but we will keep them compact and slightly hidden.

Regards Ended up driving close to south jersey to an Indian wholesaler that gets custom clothes manufactured in bulk from India! Each piece of clothing is unique and close to a one of one, with slight changes released through out the year. I thought it was a really cool concept to the way that we were planning to design and distribute our merch.

Wg-Easy While I am updating the task schema system, I need to finish test casing the wireguard system. We want to make sure that all our applications are connected at the wireguard level and that our abstracted mesh system can communicate without having major problems. There was a wireguard mesh that was setup almost two years ago but its a bit outdated and needs to be improved. I should get into the habit of updated the daily journals a bit faster and making sure everything stays into a proper sync.


  • 5:00am - I am up and ready! I do need to prepare my mornings a bit better, so I am thinking of adding a couple quick ToDos into the mix.

  • 6:01am - After SSS, I am going to quickly grab some coffee and slowly shift my mind over to the minor development issues that we are running into on the main kbve.com repo.

  • 8:18am - Damn it took a bit too long to finally resolve the dev hang!

  • 12:25pm - Going to shift over to the n8n and also look over some of the documentation for the hackathon this weekend! I definitely want to make sure that everything is good to go by Thursday night, I am currently taking a bit of a hybrid mixture of notes, some digital and some analog.

  • 1:10pm - I might have to put some constraints on how I will work on the main repo, I believe that while using the mdx files for i18n integration might not be worth it right now. I may have to go back to it later on, in a different date? This part of the project planning and pathway is a bit tough on a developer’s standpoint. I see the benefit of using the mdx files for structuring some of the static content but I can also see where the issues can arise, definitely in the scope of certain projects and their styles.

Tasks List

Update Configurations

ID: task-001

Description: Update the project configuration files to the latest standards.

Due Date: Fri Aug 16 2024

Completed: No

Priority: 3

Assignee: Self

Tags: config, update

Update Task Style

ID: task-002

Description: Update the task style settings when being displayed on the website.

Due Date: Fri Aug 16 2024

Completed: No

Priority: 3

Assignee: Self

Tags: config, update