Daily Post Image from Upsplash

March: 01




There were a decent amount of changes that I wanted to implement within the first quater of the year. Getting everything out into the public eco-system is always a bit painful because there will always be minor problems, that hold everything back. I suppose that is part of the job, even a small issue like file storage or hard drive failure can send everything into a mess.


We had to wipe the repo because it seems that nothing was saved to the LFS storage, causing a massive object-key problem between my windows and macbook. I am under the impression that I might have messed up the CRLF and the way the line breaks are being handled by the two different operating systems.

One day, I hope windows just adopts the unix standard and we can all move on from this mess, maybe like a Windows 20 update that just puts WSL deep into the windows integration. Like a combination of AtlasOS, Ubuntu and Windows to produce a master class operating system! One day we will get there, it is just a matter of time and how far the sticks are up the micro@$$ execs.

Okay so we are going to wipe all the repos clean once more and start again from the basics. Setting up git lfs and making sure everything is running smoothly as possible, I transfered over the basics, like gitattributes, README, gitignore, Packages and now I am handling the hardest one of them… the damn Assets folder. The most painful thing about this is making sure everything gets transfered over without any issues but I have to split them all up, as if anything becomes too big than we get failures across the board.

During the asset transfer, there are a couple errors that occur, similar to this LFS: Client error and the error code being a 413. We can set the transfer to HTTP 1.1 using this command, git config http.version HTTP/1.1 which should help and incase it does not, switch it to verion 2. I have no exact clue why this error is occuring besides something along the lines of azure networking and security, but I would avoid using the --global flag because it might impact your gitlab settings.

Almost done pushing through the shaders, then I need to see if I can build the application! Afterwards, I will slowly add the minor packages that we will need, and by minor, they might be pretty major and bulky.

The amount of times that I have installed a world generator is way too high for a normal week.

Okay, we were able to get the base of the game inside of the repo, I am going to take a bit of a break on this front and focus on the gamejam. Ideally I should be able to get the basics of the gamejam done tonight and tomorrow, leaving me Sunday night to wrap up the Unity migrations.


Official Fish Jam

We are entering a small gamejam that lasts just a weekend! I believe we have 72 hours to complete a fishing game, but there is a twist! There is no water, but we could figure out a way to resolve it.

I was thinking that it starts off in a desert / post global warming sandstorm town and the player has to find a way to bring water back to the town? The vibe that we could aim for is a bit of that old school dragonball and a hint of trigun, with our character having that bit of vash within him.

I am still looking through Phaser and getting a better understanding of the tilemap.

Looking through an example tileset, which is 176x128, we can assume each tile is around 16px, thus creating a 2D array of 11 tiles by 8 tiles.

I split the Phaser engine into two different components, the first is under astro-ve via header:embed:phaser and then again within the actual website that is using the phaser. My plan would be to create a general wrapper around the Phaser engine and then call that wrapper to dynamically load the game and scenes. We could do a simple chaining, where each scene would chain to another? This would make the javascript style games a bit linear but also maintain a smaller size. This works the best for simple pixel and retro style games, since they will not be too heavy on CPU usage and can be played anywhere.

The example of the CyberNoid JSON Here is the tileset as a png The source for the tilemap from phaser 3 sandbox

After looking through that example, I am going to look through the Phaser Loader TileMap JSON Example from Sammes Repo

These two examples should be more than enough to provide us with a bit of a room to play around!

Okay going through my phaser notes, I was able to pickup Annoraaq’s Grid Engine which we can use to help build out the map a bit.

I am thinking during the gameload, we could pre-fetch that ESM module and have it ready to be used via a window.gridEngine, after the Phaser is loaded.

For scene management, there are a couple options we can use:

Basic Stop / Start

this.scene.stop('CurrentSceneKey'); // Stop the current scene
this.scene.start('NewSceneKey'); // Start the new scene

Pause and Resume

// To pause the current scene and start/resume another
this.scene.start('NewSceneKey'); // Use `resume` if the new scene is already running and you're just bringing it back to focus

// And to switch back
this.scene.stop('NewSceneKey'); // Or `pause` if you want to keep its state

Launch and Stop

// To overlay a new scene on top of the current one
// The original scene remains running in the background but can be paused manually if needed

// To hide the overlay and return focus to the original scene
this.scene.stop('OverlaySceneKey'); // Or pause, depending on your needs