GCloud Compute
GCloud Compute Guide is still a work in progress; these are active notes from my current R&D.
shell gcloud compute --help
- This will display all of the commands that will help you utilize the
compute engine
- This will display all of the commands that will help you utilize the
The are split into two major concepts, with
According to Google, the compute command helps create, configure and manipulate the virtual machines within your pre-set project.
isgcloud compute GROUP | COMMAND [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG ...]
Load Balancer
Load balancing on the GCloud compuete platform.
Command to run 3 instances of
with an ingress load balancer. Additional Documentation on Nginx Here-
Shell command for VM that is running nginx inside of a
operating system.-
Terminal window gcloud compute instances create www-server-1 \--zone=us-west1-b \--tags=network-lb-tag \--machine-type=e2-medium \--image-family=debian-11 \--image-project=debian-cloud \--metadata=startup-script=start_nginx.sh-
start_nginx.sh ->
#!/bin/bashapt-get updateapt-get install nginx -y
For switching from Nginx to Apache2, replace the
. -
To check the status on
, run thesudo systemctl status nginx
ORsudo systemctl status apache2
Example of a Load Balance Template:
The shell below is an example of an instance template that creates the load balance backend template.
Terminal window gcloud compute instance-templates create lb-backend-template \--region=us-west1 \--network=default \--subnet=default \--tags=allow-health-check \--machine-type=e2-medium \--image-family=debian-11 \--image-project=debian-cloud \--metadata=startup-script=start_nginx_script.sh
Key concept is : Managed instance groups MIGs
- Mage instance groups or MIGs enable you to operate applications on multiple identical / clone virtual machines, thus allowing your orchestration to become scalable and highly available. This is done by utilizing the components within the automated MIG services, which includes: autoscaling, autohealing, regional (multiple zone) deployment, and automatic updating.
Manage Instance Group for the load balancer:
Terminal window gcloud compute instance-groups managed create lb-backend-group \--template=lb-backend-template --size=2 --zone=us-west1-b -
Health Check:
Terminal window gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check \--network=default \--action=allow \--direction=ingress \--source-ranges=, \--target-tags=allow-health-check \--rules=tcp:80``` -
Backend-Services for gcloud compute
Terminal window gcloud compute backend-services create web-backend-service \--protocol=HTTP \--port-name=http \--health-checks=http-basic-check \--global-
Add Instance Group as the Backend to the Backend Service:
Terminal window gcloud compute backend-services add-backend web-backend-service \--instance-group=lb-backend-group \--instance-group-zone=us-west1-b \--global
Create a URL Map for routing the requests to the default backend services.
Terminal window gcloud compute url-maps create web-map-http \--default-service web-backend-service``` -
Extra information regarding the URL Map: Note: URL map is a Google Cloud configuration resource used to route requests to backend services or backend buckets. For example, with an external HTTP(S) load balancer, you can use a single URL map to route requests to different destinations based on the rules configured in the URL map: Requests for Video go to one backend service. Requests for Audio go to a different backend service. Requests for Images go to a Cloud Storage backend bucket. Requests for any other host and path combination go to a default backend service.
Create a target HTTP proxy to route requests:
Terminal window gcloud compute target-http-proxies create http-lb-proxy \--url-map web-map-http
Global forwarding rule to route incoming requests to the proxy:
Terminal window gcloud compute forwarding-rules create http-content-rule \--address=lb-ipv4-1\--global \--target-http-proxy=http-lb-proxy \--ports=80
Google Rules
Google Forwarding Rules
Note: A forwarding rule and its corresponding IP address represent the frontend configuration of a Google Cloud load balancer. Learn more about the general understanding of forwarding rules from the Forwarding rule overview Guide.