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On Linux or MacOS or (WSL on Windows):

  • According to Chapter 1.1 from the Official Book to install rust you can use the following script:

  • Command to install via curl

    • curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

    -> The command downloads a script and starts the installation of the rustup tool, which installs the latest stable version of Rust. You might be prompted for your password. If the installation is successful, the following line will appear: -> Rust is installed now. Great!

    • You will also need a linker, which is a program that Rust uses to join its compiled outputs into one file. It is likely you already have one. If you get linker errors, you should install a C compiler…

On Windows:


  • Incase we need to update rust to the latest stable version, we will use rustup to update, via this command in shell:
    rustup update


TLDR; Cargo is a package manager for Rust that handles the dependencies, compiling and distribution. Cargo can publish your package to crates.io so that it can be used with other applications within Rust.

To get started with Cargo, see if you have Cargo installed via running cargo with the help flag:

        cargo help
  • For ubuntu you might need to run sudo cargo help.



Cargo-Watch will watch over the current project’s source code for changes and then run Cargo commands when they occur. This will make building and development easier!

To install the cargo-watch, run this command below in shell on the dev operating system.

cargo install cargo-watch

The default cargo watch that we are currently using is:

cargo watch -q -c -x run


  • The Rust Programming Language Book

    (From the Official Rust Lang Website) This book assumes that you’ve written code in another programming language but doesn’t make any assumptions about which one. We’ve tried to make the material broadly accessible to those from a wide variety of programming backgrounds. We don’t spend a lot of time talking about what programming is or how to think about it. If you’re entirely new to programming, you would be better served by reading a book that specifically provides an introduction to programming.

  • A Gentle Introduction to Rust

    The aim of this tutorial is to take you to a place where you can read and write enough Rust to fully appreciate the excellent learning resources available online, in particular The Book. It’s an opportunity to try before you buy, and get enough feeling for the power of the language to want to go deeper.

  • Rust 🦀 and WebAssembly 🕸

    This small book describes how to use Rust and WebAssembly together.

  • Cookin’ with Rust

    This Rust Cookbook is a collection of simple examples that demonstrate good practices to accomplish common programming tasks, using the crates of the Rust ecosystem.


  • These are some examples of repos, demos, and source code written in rust!


This is a quick repo / guide on a Rust MySQL Microservice! Official Repo


Youki is an Open Container Initiative runtime specification library written in Rust. Official Youki Repo There are some issues with some devices within CGroups v2 that should be noted. Since youki is a low-level runtime, its recommend that you combine it with a high-level runtime, such as Docker / Podman.


  • Axum is an ergonomic and modular Rust web application framework.
  • Github Repo
  • Axum can be extended through Tower, which is an ecosystem of middleware, services and utilities


This crate is a user-friendly, easy-to-integrate, immediate-mode GUI library designed for rapid development of interactive applications in Rust.

egui Dependency

  • There are some dependencies that you might require when working with egui:

    sudo apt-get install libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxkbcommon-dev libssl-dev
    • Note: These dependencies are for Ubuntu / WSL.
  • Making sure the rustup has the wasm components.

    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknow
  • Installing Trunk

    cargo install --locked trunk